BC QSO Party 2016 is just a week away!
1600z Feb 6 to 0400z Feb 6. (That's Feb 6, from 8am to 8pm in BC.)
This is a fun chance to fine tune you HF operating skills, and folks will be looking for BC stations! Here are the detrails from the organizer.......
¨Please let your club members know that BCQP 2016 is coming up very soon. For anyone who is still unsure what BCQP is all about, direct them to the FAQ page at http://www.orcadxcc.org/bcqp_faq.html
Key Information/Resources
Exchange: BC stations give give RS(T) + federal electoral district
Out-of-province stations give RS(T) + state/province/"DX"
Rules: http://orcadxcc.org/bcqp_rules.html
Multiplier Lists: http://orcadxcc.org/bcqp_districts.html
FAQ, rules, multiplier lists as well as in-depth event analysis/reports and scores from past years ... all available for viewing from links on the Orca homepage and/or the BCQP page of the Orca website at http://www.orcadxcc.org/bcqp.html
1. For CW operators, consider the alternate suggested frequencies for 80M, 40M and 20M — the NA Sprint bands — between 0000z and 0400z. This will keep you above the mayhem of the Sprint. These frequencies are quite high up in the respective bands, encroaching on other mode allocations, so CW operators should be careful and courteous. Suggested frequencies are, after all, suggestions NOT requirements. The most important rule in our hobby is to listen before transmitting. If necessary, move up or down a bit to avoid QRMing others.
2. BC federal electoral districts have changed! Confirm your district at elections.ca/home.aspx and use the revised multiplier list to determine the corresponding three-letter code for BCQP. And make sure your logging software is properly updated. Logs using the old multipliers will not be eligible for awards.
3. High profile! BCQP has acquired a high profile, and stations near and far will be on a treasure hunt for district multipliers. VE7/VA7s calling CQ should listen all around.
4. BC stations can contact anyone anywhere. Utilize other on-air events to trade QSOs if appropriate. Look at the helpful hints for BC stations at http://www.orcadxcc.org/content/pdf/2016_hints_for_bc_stations.pdf to get an idea on how to maximize QSO potential.
Tangible Rewards
Certificates: Photo-based certificates for top scores in every mode and power class in BC and outside BC
Special Recognition: If submitted logs are particularly numerous in any given category, additional certificates will be awarded as appropriate.
NEW! Top District Awards: Top score in each federal electoral district of BC will receive a certificate. You only need 10 QSOs to qualify!
Plaques: Top Score BC (single-op), Top Score Canada outside BC, Top YL Score, Top Score US, Most Federal Electoral Districts Worked, Top DX, Top Mixed Mode, Top Club BC (new)*, and Top Score BC (multi-op) (new)
* For an individual score to count toward a club aggregate, the submitted log MUST indicate in the Cabrillo header the club to which the score should be allocated.
Logging Software
The goal of BCQP is to get BC operators on the air to practice their skills. Everyone should keep a log of their contacts, because someone may request a QSL card (eQSL, LoTW, etc) at some point later on, but if a program does not support BCQP, there may be problems inputting data and/or getting an accurate score.
BCQP is fully supported by N1MM Logger+ software as well as CQ/X GPS-enabled software for mobile contesting and QSO party software by N3FJP. Other programs have generic QSO party options, but all software really needs the computer and radio to be interfaced to work as intended. So if that is not an option, paper logs are OK. No one should worry about logging software — or lack of it. Each operator can use whatever logging method works for him/her. And if the program used doesn't generate an accurate score, no one should be overly concerned. The log-checking team at Orca DXCC will make sure everyone gets the points s/he is entitled to.
But, and this is a big but, logs MUST show the required information. See the rules for details. Anyone using N1MM Classic must upgrade to N1MM Logger+ or self-edit the section list. Logs using the old multiplier list will not be eligible for awards, so PLEASE use the revised list!!
If anyone has any questions about BCQP, there’s still time to ask. Email me at [email protected]
73 es GL
Rebecca VA7BEC
Orca DXCC, BCQP Contest Coordinator